Creating Vision

Through The Heart Of Communications


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The Executive Coaching Program:
From Leader to Visionary

Are there some leadership skills you'd like to hone even more?

You know you're a leader and that a leader is someone others want to follow. Are there some leadership skills you'd like to hone even more? Do you have the relationships and are achieving the results you want? Exceptional leaders have both. This program is geared to the person who wants to be a pioneer and truly raise the bar on their effectiveness and performance.


  • Build a plan capitalizing on your leadership strengths and abilities
  • Assess your organization and get feedback on how you are doing as a leader, both personally and as an organization
  • Look at new ways you can forge new beginnings in your organization
  • Learn ways to get buy-in from your people

Results You Can Expect:

  • A clearer sense of purpose, of why you're doing what you're doing
  • An inner sense of rightness that you are on target for your leadership journey
  • A heightened sense of confidence
  • A sense of accomplishment and balance in your life

Scope Of What This Program Will Include:

  • Pre-assessments
  • DISC Behavior and Values Assessments
  • 360 Leadership Feedback
  • Organizational Climate
  • Six month commitment - two one hour sessions per month
  • Unlimited access for additional time via phone and email

For more information on this or any other program:

Please call Susan at 603-277-2955 or email her at:

You Make "A Difference" Today!

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