Archive for the ‘Sharing’ Category

Expressing Gratitude – News from Suz

As we all know, Thanksgiving traditionally is a time of giving thanks, of expressing gratitude.  I am painfully aware of the millions of people who can’t wrap their hearts and heads around that idea this year and I am humbled knowing of so many broken hearts among us in the world.
Susan Hastings
At the same time, it deepens and accentuates the awareness of my own gratitude.

With that in mind, the purpose of this message is two-fold:
1)  to express my gratitude for you
2)  to share my  finale with you

My gratitude:  Having started my business in the 70’s with Parent Effectiveness Training, I have known some of you for decades, some of you I have just recently met with a hypnotherapy session.  Some of you have been workshop participants; some of you are colleagues, personally and/or professionally;  some of you are friends and family – again, some old, some new.

Whatever the relationship, I am grateful for the difference you have made in my life.  Thank you.

My finale: It has become clear to me that it is time to simplify my life further and to really live into semi-retirement.  The words have been there for a few years but the actions haven’t been.  Now they are.

I wanted to share with you how my finale is showing up – Read more here:

With love and gratitude,

Winter Workshops

When I reread my past blogs, I realize I’m even more inconsistent than I thought!
Last time I wrote about Hilton Head Island, I was just leaving.  This time, I’m just coming!  I’ve been here for two weeks and am enjoying connecting with family and friends – and lots of beach walks with Bella (my Maltese therapy dog).  The weather has been unusually great for February, whereas home in Vermont, it’s been very erratic from below zero to rain to sleet.
But home is home and here I am in Hilton Head, my second home – but sending love to those at home where the home fires are burning.
I’m getting ready for my workshops here on the Island.  If you’d like to see what they are, click on here. 
Wherever you are, I hope you’re having a great winter!


Life on Hilton Head

It’s hard to believe I just have 3 more weeks before heading back to Vermont.  It has been wonderful here in Hilton Head which now feels like a second home, and I know both Bella, my little Maltese therapy dog, and I will have withdrawal pains.  It has been 3 months of new experiences, new friends as well as a continuation of experiences and friendships from last year.  I’m glad to be able to spend quality time with my brother who is in poor health, and my sister in law, who live here year round.

The workshop I gave on Hypnosis: Accessing Your Body’s Wisdom  included hypnotizing 25 people for Life Long Learning, something I had never done before.  But it went well and  has opened many doors – new clients,  interesting people – and  Living Your Purpose – On Purpose, a workshop that because of the Hypnosis experience, a class was created that had 14 people sign up with a waiting list for next year.

A word about hypnosis: what is great  is that you can do hypnosis in person or you can do it over the phone, just like Coaching.  My latest three are weight loss, alcohol addiction, both in person, and Accessing the Wisdom of Your Soul by phone, which was “profound” for the person long distance.  I love coaching and adding hypnosis adds a great deal of depth.

My chiropractor/kineseologist/nutritionist son, Chris, who  teaches nutrition classes with an emphasis on Isagenix, a fabulous fat loss, cleanse and detox program,  sent me an article on hypnosis from the Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 1996 that stated adding hypnosis to weight loss program  increases results by 97% and post treatment by 146%. 

 Hypnosis bypasses the Conscious mind, which has all the reasons why something won’t work,  to the Subconscious mind  which says “Yes” to any message we give it, and combining the Subconscious with the Superconscious mind, which always wants our highest good, gives very impressive results.

So the combination of  meaningful work,  social time with kindred spirits, daily beach walks is one that sure has worked for me this winter.

But the time is coming that my thoughts are heading towards home – family and friends and a continuation of meaningful work that I can do wherever I am.  I am realizing more and more that it’s not about outer circumstances as it is in appreciating what life has to offer in the moment – and giving gratitude.

What are you grateful for?

Announcing My Talk/Workshop On Hypnosis

On February 15th from 1:30 – 3:30, in Hilton Head, S.C., I’m giving a talk/workshop on Hypnosis- the history, what hypnosis is and what it is not.   I’ll share experiences and results, some of which are amazing to me.  And I’ll hypnotize the group on Reducing  Stress.  This session is part of their Life Long Learning series and I’m delighted for this opportunity.  I am loving hypnotherapy and the results people are having on such a deep level – and it can be done in person or on the phone or skype.   

For more information on hypnosis and hypnotherapy, visit my website

Gifts from the Heart that Make a Difference

My ears always perk up when I hear Tony Robbins – a renowned motivational speaker – who was recently interviewed on the Today Show.  Under his guidance, I did three  fire-walks (one of which, 40 feet,  made the Guinness Book of World Records for distance).  He also led my NLP Neurolinguistic Programing certification, so I’m always interested in the latest that Tony has to offer.  He surely made a difference for me – “If you can walk on hot coals, what can’t you do?  Get past your limiting beliefs!”

Tony’s theme that day was “Who can I serve?”  As he talked, he offered himself as an example of living that mantra.  Many years ago, he helped two families have a Thanksgiving dinner who otherwise wouldn’t have one; those two Thanksgiving dinners have now expanded into his world-wide foundation to feed the hungry.  (Click on The Secret to Living is Giving).  He has certainly made a difference for millions in many ways.

So what? you may ask.  Tony is a kazilion billionaire.  Easy for him to do.  Hard for me.

Yes, Tony is a billionaire now but in fact, he has gone bankrupt more than once.  During one of those episodes, the formidable, 6’6” Tony was homeless and living in his VW bug.   He spent his days in the library reading which has led to the wisdom he now shares worldwide.

This got me thinking – regardless of our life circumstances – what are the true gifts from our heart that we can offer others…those gifts that truly make a difference,  cost little or no money, and end up meaning more and lasting longer than material gifts? 

Read more here:


A Special Evening – Meeting My Namesake

My buddy, Paul Rothe, set up an extraordinary evening for me to meet my namesake, Suzi Hastings, singing with her partner, Terry, Second Wind at the Quechee Inn. They were fantastic! Afterwards, she told me she knew of a Susie Hastings who had a son, Jeff, who was an Olympic Ski Jumper/Announcer. Turns out we share relatives in Grantham. What ARE the odds??

You Make A Difference!


A Special Achievement – I Am Now A Certified Hypnotherapist

I am now a certified Hypnotherapist, which is a significant milestone for me – to go deeper within myself and be a catalyst for others to do the same to get desired results whatever they are. I’m amazed at the changes that hypnosis can accomplish!

I’m looking forward to helping people. It’s amazing what we can do with our minds!

You Make A Difference!



Reading that words makes you feel calm doesn’t it.

I want to simplify my life. I mean, really simplify. I want to travel less, be home more, continue to grow my coaching programs,  develop new programs and do more local work.

I’m starting to look at my fall program.  I’m exicted to share this with you. Stay tuned!

You Make A Difference!


The Starfish Story…

Did I ever tell you this?

It was during this same time that I added “You Make a Difference” as a by-line to Creative Communications Center. I still remember when I first heard the inspirational story of Loren Eiseley and the little boy throwing starfish back into the ocean: “Son, what are you doing?!” “I’m throwing starfish back into the ocean because if I don’t, they’re going to die.” “Well, that’s fine and good in the small scheme of things but in the larger picture of these thousands of starfish, it’s not going to make much of a difference.” “It’s going to make a big difference to that one!” as the little boy threw another starfish far beyond the waves.

Tears rolled down my cheeks as I listened to the story, driving home one afternoon. It really hit me: I am not going to save the world but every little bit I do does make a difference – and so it is for everyone else. I still close all my workshops with that story and I have several products with the logo of a little boy throwing starfish into the ocean with “You Make A Difference” included. You can read the full story and see the products here:
You Make A Difference!


Susan Hastings
